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Pamper Yourself With #VLCCVanityCube

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We are always running on our toes be it a working woman, stay at home Mom or a homemaker. In the priority list of our day to day activities, taking care of our needs takes a back seat. The negligence often happens to ourselves as we are hardly able to squeeze some “ME” time.

We all need some pampering for ourselves, some are our basic essentials while some become an indulgence. One such is essential is Beauty pampering which is time-consuming as we need to head out to our preferred place and the time taken for the services. So the calculation of travel time + service time always plays on our mind. When the clock is ticking on your head for your work, a small mole becomes a major pain point like the wait time which cant be avoided at the salon. So we either follow some shortcuts or do basics and run or the majority of the times ignore and wait for the critical time when we cant avoid it.

Here comes Home Pampering Services or #SalonAtHome to your Rescue. Pampering at the luxury of your home with no travel and wait time. Sounds like a relief!

But hey, we still have lots of questions before calling them home. I share my recent experience with #VLCCVanityCube with all of you.

Before I divulge more details about my experience I would like to Thank Nisha for introducing me & Welcome you all to this blogtrain hosted by wigglingpen and sponsored by VLCC Vanity Cube. Follow the trail and get to know first-hand experiences of the various services.

Things On Our Mind:

Even if we have to call someone at our home we have few unanswered questions which need to be addressed.

No, we don’t ask for much, just a few things here and there. Considering all these parameters I chose VLCC Vanity Cube. Yes, I found my perfect fit.

To get my services I just

Viola, I am done. So how was my experience?

Experience: Like 😊😊 ⬅or➡ 🙁🙁  Dislike

Hope you find this review useful:). The blog train departs my station for now and soon arrives at Deepa’s blog. Deepa is a Postgraduate in Foods and Nutrition, who strongly believes in the adage, “Make your passion your profession and you will never regret”. A dietitian by education, Blogger by passion, a mommy of two girls, she shares all her experiences through her creative eyes as a blogger. Its a one place solution for all your queries related to nutrition, travelling, parenting, and everything life.

You can follow VLCCVanityCube on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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