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Planning a Road Trip


Everyone has their own preferences for travel. For long distances, we prefer different transportation mediums like train, airways or waterways. There is always an option to travel by road but again some prefer it while some don’t.

This year I have happened to travel by road a lot. 5 road trips with 3 being more than 10 hrs with family and friends so thought let me share some useful tips while travelling through road.

Are you ready??


Beauty outside the window…


Vehicle check:

This is the foremost and the most vital thing you need to do. If you are travelling by vehicle get all the servicing done few days in advance and the cleaning of course – inside out. Check the spare wheel and keep some equipment handy. In case you are travelling in a big car with the family like we did then get a carrier fixed with some plastic cover.


Security Measures:

Travel securely. Obviously, you would need your essentials and money to pay the toll and stuff. Keep minimal valuables and keep a small back up.

Long journeys mean you would drive in speed. This I learnt from my lovely friends Raghu and Vandana – you need to use your seat belts in the back seats too if it’s there in the car, protects you from the jerks.

Always when you stop over before beginning check the seat belts and door locks.



With Friends who made it more memorable


Personal Stuff:

Wear comfortable clothes, very important considering if are travelling for more than 8-10 hrs. Weather conditions if it’s going to be hot or cold so choose accordingly. I feel cold in AC so generally I keep a shawl or wear a jacket to keep myself warm. Footwear also needs to be comfortable. I prefer my slip-on so I can remove them or wear them anytime.

While travelling you would face different temperatures. In summers as the day progresses heat would increase so in case, you get frequent headaches keep a scarf handy. Cover your head. If you are keeping the windows open while travelling again keep your face covered with the scarf helps you protect your hair and face from the wind especially for the girls. For monsoons keep an umbrella handy needless to say.

Keep a hand sanitizer/soaps for loo stop overs. Face wash and towel to keep yourself fresh. You could keep face wipes if you like. Sunglasses should be with you for both people who are driving and sitting.

Books / Kindle to give you company.

Stock your music essentials – need them always.

Keep some essential medications accessible like for a headache, vomiting or acidity problems.


Weather can be unpredictable…



Carrying something to munch is pretty important. On highways, you would find eateries, however, if you carry some snacks it’s always good.

When will you enjoy your Lay’s with friends/family otherwise 😉

Water is a must. Stock it. Keep yourself hydrated throughout the journey.

Some toffees to keep you awake 😊

Again, while travelling to Udaipur our good friends – Raghu and Vandana suggested that we carry some home cooked food. It turned to be a blessing. We had stuff for breakfast and lunch with some juices. Kept us light and easy. So full credit to them. In evening, we reached our hotel and had great dinner.


Some To- Dos:



Memories for life…


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