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10 Reasons why being a blogger makes you #Thankful


I am blogging since a year now and it has been wonderful. There are many reasons why I love it, so sharing it with all of you…

♣  I always love sharing my experiences. I have learn’t through my good and bad ones. I feel by sharing them, you are sharing knowledge. It might just help someone.

♣  It helps me evolve in my writing. The more you write the better you become at it. I have written different subjects which also makes me feel happy.

♣ I have started reading more. When I was working it was more of Pharma News and work related stuff, now its posts from my blogger friends about different topics which actually gives you a wider perspective. Also, I get to read more books 🙂

♣ Its gives my creativity some food for thought.

♣ I would like to Thank #BlogChatter and blogging, that I have connected to, so many friends, who are experts in so many different things. I feel happy being part of this community.

♣ Being a market researcher, I was an observer. Through blogging I am getting better at it. When I have to write reviews, you really read, learn and share. I sit back and observe people wherever I am and learn then share.

♣ It helps spreading positive vibes. I read or write and it helps me get over a bad mood or low period.

♣ It has given me an identity to showcase about myself. A platform to know about others and to share about myself.

♣ Its kind of documenting your life journey to. You write and you share and then you look back at your posts and re-live.

♣ At the end of it, its for my self satisfaction.It means a lot to me. Every moment whatever I achieve I celebrate it like a small kid. It means a lot.

Till the next. Take Care. Share what you are #Thankful about today.

I am linking up this post as part of #ThankfulThursdays with Amrita and  Tina


Yayy –


I am a part of the gang –  #Writeaholics. Please checkout the posts of my Blogbuddies and spread some love –  Shinjini, Anindya , Saumy, Dixita, Menaka and Dr. Anshul

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