Book Review: Spiritual Anatomy

Genre: Self Help/Spirituality
Age group: 18 yrs+
Number of Pages: 271
Format: Hard Copy

Author: Kamlesh D. Patel (Daaji)

About the Book

You know what? I recently got the opportunity to read a book called “Spiritual Anatomy.” Although I was a bit uncertain about it as it was my first book of this genre and my health issues were concerning me, I decided to follow my gut feeling and just do it.

And let me tell you, it has been one of the best decisions I have ever made! Mentally I am on the cusp of a transformation and this book was like the guiding hand provided to me by the universe.

These words resonated with my feelings!

I embarked on a journey towards self-awareness as I set sail and turned each page of the book. Our daily routine often keeps us so busy that we forget to focus on ourselves. Although we know the importance of self-awareness, we rarely take the time to explore it. While I cannot claim to have a complete understanding of this concept, I plan to revisit this book often to ensure that I am on the right track. I cannot deny the impact this book has had on my life and the insights it has provided.

Something as simple as this questionnaire –

took me to a deep introspective zone.

I must say, this book has helped me in my quest to discover my inner self. It is just the beginning of a long transformational journey that takes time and energy. Expressing my emotions about this book is not an easy task as I may end up writing long paragraphs without doing complete justice. But in just a few words, I can say that this book has made a significant difference in my life, which is undeniable.

What I loved

๐ŸŒŸ It was like talking about yourself to self. I found it quite cathartic to read this book. It helped me to uncover the root causes of the issues that were bothering me, leaving me feeling lighter and unburdened.

๐ŸŒŸ This book has helped me with a sustainable path for self-discovery.

๐ŸŒŸ Despite often hearing the phrase ‘there’s no right time, whenever you feel right just go ahead’, it’s easy to forget and not act upon it. However, this book motivated me to take action when it felt right.

It’s difficult to explain in words, sometimes you need to invest your time for yourself. This book is certainly that time!

Kamlesh D. Patelย also known asย Daajiย among his followers is the fourth spiritual guide of the Global Heartfulness Movement. He has authored three books and co-authored one, Spiritual Anatomy is his fourth book. He has dedicated a large part of his life to training people across the globe in Heartfulness meditation. He has been a notable speaker for many conferences and conducted various workshops; his passion lies in grassroots efforts to drive home the power of meditation to the villages in India.

Image: Book Website & Personal Images

Disclaimer: This content was created as a part of a collaboration, however, it has been made sure that the content is helpful and provides value to the reader.

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